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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.462
==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/words.within.words.p <==
What exceptional words contain other words?
==> english/records/spelling/operations.on.words/words.within.words.s <==
longest non-trivial charade IN-DISC-RIM-IN-A-TI-ON (16)
longest forward and reverse charade
longest snowball or rhopalic T-EM-PER-AMEN-TALLY (15)
longest reverse rhopalic HETERO-TRANS-PLAN-TAT-IO-N (21)
highest ratio of subwords/length (logogram)
longest charlinkade FORESTALL: FOREST, ALL; FORE, REST, TALL (9)
longest alternade TRIENNIALLY: TINILY, RENAL (11)
shortest three-letter-minimum word deletions
Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
==> english/records/spelling/sets.of.words/nots.and.crosses.p <==
What is the most number of letters that can be fit into a three by three grid
of words, such that no letter is repeated in any row, column or diagonal?
==> english/records/spelling/sets.of.words/nots.and.crosses.s <==
Games magazine ran a contest on this. The winner had 62:
proxying| buckwash | veldt
stumbled| j | zincography
whack | providently | bumfs
Here are some good tries:
backsword |thumpingly | fez
vexingly | q | throwbacks = 61
thump | beadworks | jingly
backsword | thumpingly| vex
vexingly | q | throwbacks = 60
thump | bedrocks | flying
subjack |downrightly| fez
novelwright| q | backups = 59
pyx | subface | downright
krafts | exhuming | blowzy
phylum | j | transfixed = 56
vexing | folkways | chump
klutz | cymograph | fend
exscind | j | kymograph = 54
myograph |flunked | vibs
Unless noted otherwise, all words occur in Webster's Third New International
Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, MA, 1961.
==> english/records/spelling/sets.of.words/squares.p <==
What are some exceptional word squares (square crosswords with no blanks)?
==> english/records/spelling/sets.of.words/squares.s <==
Word squares are a particular example of a type of crossword known
as "forms". They were more popular early in the 20th century than
they are now, but people still like to compose and solve them. Forms
appear every month in the _Enigma_, which is the monthly publication
of the National Puzzlers' League. The membership fee is $13 for
the first year, and information may be obtained from:
David A. Rosen
207 East 27th St. #3K
New York, NY 10016
All members have the option of choosing a nom de plume; for example,
I go by the nom "Cubist". Another good place to find information on
forms is in _Word Ways_, which is a quarterly journal of recreational
_Word Ways_
Spring Valley Road
Morristown, NJ 07960
I'll have a paper appearing here at some point on the "support" of a
form (which I'll discuss below).
Word squares come in two flavors, regular and double. In regular word
squares the words are the same across and down; in double word squares
all words are different. The largest legitimate word square has order
9 (although Jeff Grant has come close to the 10), and what is considered
to be the finest example was discovered by Eric Albert via computer search:
All words appear in from Webster's New International Dictionary, Second
Edition. It's the *only* single-source 9-square known, and its only
flaw is that "Sturnidae" is a proper (capitalized) word. All words
are also solid-form (no phrases, spaces, punctuation marks, etc.).
Eric was using about 63,000 words when he discovered his square. Using
about 78,500 9-letter words, I found an additional square:
All are in the OED, except for "trabeatae", which is in NI2. This
makes this square arguably the second-best ever discovered. All
words are uncapitalized and solid-form, but it has the flaw of using
more than one source. It is, however, the *only* known 9-square that
uses only uncapitalized, solid-form dictionary words.
There are about 2000 9-squares known, all of which were constructed
by hand except for the two noted above. Almost all of these use
very obscure sources of words. As a general rule of thumb, if you
discover a new form via computer search, it is probably going to be
of high quality, since it is hard to obtain computer-readable word
lists that contain *really* obscure words.
The largest known double word-squares are of order-8. They are
considered to be about as hard to construct as a regular word
square of order-9, and this is substantiated by the work I've
done on the mathematics of form construction. The following
fine example was constructed by Jeff Grant (see his article in
_Word Ways_, Vol. 25 Num. 1, pp. 9-12):
All are dictionary terms, but there are some weak entries, e.g.
Aloisias: individuals named Aloisia, a feminine form of Aloysius
occurring in the 16th and 17th century in parish registers of
Hinton Charterhouse, England (The Oxford Dictionary of English
Christian Names, 3rd Edition, E.G. Withycombe, 1977)
Such words are, however, dear to the heart of logologists! For
other examples of double squares see the article mentioned above.
There are also many other types of forms. Some of the most common
are pyramids, stars, and diamonds, and some come in regular and double
varieties, and some are inherently double (e.g. rectangles).
How hard is it to discover a square, anyway, and how many are there?
As a data point, my program using the main (Air Force) entries in
NI2 (26,332 words), found only seven 8x8 squares. This took an hour
to run. They are:
outtease appetite unabated acetated interact repeated repeated
unweaned prenaris nopinene cadinene neomenia evenmete evenmete
twigsome perscent apostate edentate toxicant pectosic pectosic
teguexin ensconce bistered tindered emittent entresol entresol
easement taconite antehall antehall rectoral amoebula amoebula
anoxemia irenicum tearable tearable anaerobe tessular tessular
seminist tincture entellus entellus cinnabar etiolate etiolate
edentate esteemer deedless deedless tattlery declarer declared
If the heuristic mathematics are worked out, the number of different
words in your word-list before you'd expect to find a regular word
square of order-n (the "support") is about e^{(n-1)/2}, where e ~ 15.7.
For a double word square of order-n the support is about e^{n/2}.
There is a simple algorithm which is more precise, and this gives a
support of 75,641 for a regular 9-square, and a support of 272,976
for a double 9-square (using my 9-letter word list), which agrees
well with reality.
Chris Long, 265 Old York Rd., Bridgewater, NJ 08807-2618
==> english/records/spelling/single.words.p <==
What words have exceptional lengths, patterns, etc.?
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.puzzles:18143 news.answers:3074
Newsgroups: rec.puzzles,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!usc!wupost!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!questrel!chris
From: uunet!questrel!chris (Chris Cole)
Subject: rec.puzzles FAQ, part 7 of 15
Message-ID: <puzzles-faq-7_717034101@questrel.com>
Followup-To: rec.puzzles
Summary: This posting contains a list of
Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers).
It should be read by anyone who wishes to
post to the rec.puzzles newsgroup.
Sender: chris@questrel.com (Chris Cole)
Reply-To: uunet!questrel!faql-comment
Organization: Questrel, Inc.
References: <puzzles-faq-1_717034101@questrel.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1992 00:09:02 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Sat, 3 Apr 1993 00:08:21 GMT
Lines: 1217
Archive-name: puzzles-faq/part07
Last-modified: 1992/09/20
Version: 3
==> english/records/spelling/single.words.s <==
Word Records from Webster's Third
Letter Patterns
Entire Word
longest word trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (29,1)
longest palindrome kinnikinnik (11,1)
longest beginning with a palindrome adinida (7,1)
longest beginning with b palindrome boob (4,1)
longest beginning with c palindrome carac civic (5,2)
longest beginning with d palindrome deified devoved (7,2)
longest beginning with e palindrome ecce esse (4,2)
longest beginning with f palindrome f (1,1)
longest beginning with g palindrome goog (4,1)
longest beginning with h palindrome hagigah halalah (7,2)
longest beginning with i palindrome igigi imami (5,2)
longest beginning with j palindrome j (1,1)
longest beginning with k palindrome kinnikinnik (11,1)
longest beginning with l palindrome lemel level lysyl (5,3)
longest beginning with m palindrome malayalam (9,1)
longest beginning with n palindrome nauruan (7,1)
longest beginning with o palindrome oppo otto (4,2)
longest beginning with p palindrome peeweep (7,1)
longest beginning with q palindrome qazaq (5,1)
longest beginning with r palindrome reviver rotator (7,2)
longest beginning with s palindrome sawbwas seesees seities sememes (7,4)
longest beginning with t palindrome terret tibbit tippit (6,3)
longest beginning with u palindrome uku ulu utu (3,3)
longest beginning with v palindrome vav (3,1)
longest beginning with w palindrome waw wow (3,2)
longest beginning with x palindrome x (1,1)
longest beginning with y palindrome yaray (5,1)
longest beginning with z palindrome z (1,1)
longest with middle a palindrome halalah rotator (7,2)
longest with middle b palindrome sawbwas (7,1)
longest with middle c palindrome soccos succus (6,2)
longest with middle d palindrome murdrum (7,1)
longest with middle e palindrome sememes (7,1)
longest with middle f palindrome deified (7,1)
longest with middle g palindrome degged (6,1)
longest with middle h palindrome aha ihi oho (3,3)
longest with middle i palindrome hagigah reviver (7,2)
longest with middle j palindrome kajak (5,1)
longest with middle k palindrome kinnikinnik (11,1)
longest with middle l palindrome hallah selles (6,2)
longest with middle m palindrome sammas (6,1)
longest with middle n palindrome adinida (7,1)
longest with middle o palindrome devoved (7,1)
longest with middle p palindrome tippit (6,1)
longest with middle q palindrome q (1,1)
longest with middle r palindrome nauruan (7,1)
longest with middle s palindrome seesees (7,1)
longest with middle t palindrome seities (7,1)
longest with middle u palindrome alula arura (5,2)
longest with middle v palindrome civic level rever tevet (5,4)
longest with middle w palindrome peeweep (7,1)
longest with middle x palindrome sexes (5,1)
longest with middle y palindrome malayalam (9,1)
longest with middle z palindrome kazak qazaq (5,2)
longest tautonym tangantangan (12,1)
longest beginning with a tautonym akeake atlatl (6,2)
longest beginning with b tautonym bellabella (10,1)
longest beginning with c tautonym caracara chowchow couscous (8,3)
longest beginning with d tautonym dugdug dumdum (6,2)
longest beginning with e tautonym ee (2,1)
longest beginning with f tautonym froufrou (8,1)
longest beginning with g tautonym ganggang greegree guitguit (8,3)
longest beginning with h tautonym hotshots (8,0) ?
longest beginning with i tautonym ipilipil (8,1)
longest beginning with j tautonym juju (4,1)
longest beginning with k tautonym kavakava kawakawa khuskhus kohekohe kouskous kukukuku (8,6)
longest beginning with l tautonym lapulapu lavalava lomilomi (8,3)
longest beginning with m tautonym mahimahi makomako matamata murumuru (8,4)
longest beginning with n tautonym nagnag (6,1)
longest beginning with o tautonym oo (2,1)
longest beginning with p tautonym palapala pioupiou piripiri poroporo (8,4)
longest beginning with q tautonym quiaquia (8,1)
longest beginning with r tautonym riroriro (8,1)
longest beginning with s tautonym sweeswee (8,1)
longest beginning with t tautonym tangantangan (12,1)
longest beginning with u tautonym ulaula (6,1)
longest beginning with v tautonym valval verver (6,2)
longest beginning with w tautonym wallawalla (10,1)
longest beginning with x tautonym ? (0,0) ?
longest beginning with y tautonym yariyari (8,1)
longest beginning with z tautonym zoozoo (6,1)
longest head 'n' tail einsteins muckamuck okeydokey overcover pungapung tarantara trinitrin (9,7)
longest with middle a head 'n' tail muckamuck pungapung (9,2)
longest with middle b head 'n' tail aba (3,1)
longest with middle c head 'n' tail overcover (9,1)
longest with middle d head 'n' tail okeydokey (9,1)
longest with middle e head 'n' tail arear caeca (5,2)
longest with middle f head 'n' tail efe ofo (3,2)
longest with middle g head 'n' tail aggag algal edged magma (5,4)
longest with middle h head 'n' tail outshouts (9,0) ?
longest with middle i head 'n' tail trinitrin (9,1)
longest with middle j head 'n' tail anjan (5,1)
longest with middle k head 'n' tail arkar kokko (5,2)
longest with middle l head 'n' tail ingling khalkha (7,2)
longest with middle m head 'n' tail bamba bombo mamma pampa (5,4)
longest with middle n head 'n' tail tarantara (9,1)
longest with middle o head 'n' tail ingoing mesomes (7,2)
longest with middle p head 'n' tail apa (3,1)
longest with middle q head 'n' tail q (1,1)
longest with middle r head 'n' tail adrad kurku ugrug verve (5,4)
longest with middle s head 'n' tail hotshot (7,1)
longest with middle t head 'n' tail einsteins (9,1)
longest with middle u head 'n' tail mauma shush siusi veuve (5,4)
longest with middle v head 'n' tail ava eve (3,2)
longest with middle w head 'n' tail abwab (5,1)
longest with middle x head 'n' tail manxman (7,1)
longest with middle y head 'n' tail calycal (7,1)
longest with middle z head 'n' tail z (1,1)
Subset of Word
longest internal palindrome kinnikinniks sensuousness sensuousnesses (11,3)
longest internal tautonym anhydrohydroxyprogesterone anhydrohydroxyprogesterones kinnikinnick kinnikinnicks kinnikinnics kinnikinniks magnetophotophoresis methylethylpyridine micromicrofarad neuroneuronal trimethylethylene (10,11)
longest repeated prefix kinnikinnick kinnikinnicks kinnikinnics kinnikinniks micromicrofarad neuroneuronal (10,6)
most consecutive doubled letters bookkeeper bookkeeping (3,2)
most doubled letters possessionlessness possessionlessnesses successlessness successlessnesses (4,4)
longest two cadence humuhumunukunukuapuaa humuhumunukunukuapuaas (8,2)
longest three cadence effervescence effervescences extendednesses neglectednesses pervertednesses redheadednesses reflectednesses unexpectednesses vallabhacharya vallabhacharyas (5,10)
longest four cadence alveolopalatal coproporphyrinuria coproporphyrinurias distributivities gastroschisises humuhumunukunukuapuaa humuhumunukunukuapuaas inevitabilities roentgenometries somesthesises stresslessness stresslessnesses (4,12)
longest five cadence indecipherablenesses recollectivenesses (4,2)
Letter Counts
longest letters from first half hamamelidaceae (14,1)
longest letters from second half nonsupports (11,0) ?
longest without ab hydroxydesoxycorticosterone (27,1)
longest without abcd philoprogenitivenesses (22,1)
longest without a to h supposititiously (16,1)
longest without a to k monotonously synonymously tumultuously voluptuously (12,4)
longest without a to n prototropy zoosporous (10,2)
longest without a to q susurrus (8,1)
longest without a to s tutty (5,1)
longest without e humuhumunukunukuapuaas macracanthorhynchiasis phonocardiographically prorhipidoglossomorpha supradiaphragmatically (22,5)
longest without et humuhumunukunukuapuaas phonocardiographically prorhipidoglossomorpha (22,3)
longest without eta coccidioidomycosis (18,1)
longest without etai phyllospondylous (16,1)
longest without etain chlorophyllous chromosomology chrysochlorous phyllomorphous polymorphously scolopophorous (14,6)
longest without etains promorphology (13,1)
Letter Choices
longest all vowels aiee ieie (4,2)
longest each vowel once entwicklungsroman (17,1)
longest each vowel & y once cylindrocellular phosphuranylites ventriculography (16,3)
shortest each vowel once eulogia eutocia eutopia isourea sequoia (7,5)
shortest each vowel & y once oxyuridae (9,1)
shortest vowels in order caesious (8,1)
shortest vowels & y in order facetiously (11,1)
longest vowels in order abstentious (11,1)
longest vowels & y in order abstemiously (12,1)
shortest vowels in reverse order muroidea (8,1)
shortest vowels & y in reverse order ? (80,0) ?
longest vowels in reverse order subcontinental (14,1)
longest vowels & y in reverse order ? (0,0) ?
longest one vowel strengths (9,1)
longest two vowels schwartzbrots (13,1)
longest containing a univocalic tathagatagarbhas (16,1)
longest containing e univocalic strengthlessnesses (18,1)
longest containing i univocalic instinctivistic (15,1)
longest containing o univocalic loxolophodonts (14,1)
longest containing u univocalic struldbrugs (11,1)
longest containing y univocalic glycyls gypsyfy khlysts khlysty phytyls pyrryls qyrghyz rhythms styryls thymyls tyddyns (7,11)
longest alternating vowel-consonant hypovitaminosises (17,1)
longest alternating vowel-consonant excluding y aluminosilicates diketopiperazine epicoracohumeral (16,3)
longest consonant string bergschrund bergschrunds catchphrase eschscholtzia eschscholtzias festschrift festschriften festschrifts goldschmidtine goldschmidtines goldschmidtite goldschmidtites lachsschinken lachsschinkens latchstring mischsprache mischsprachen nachschlag nachschlage nachschlags prom
ptscript veldtschoen weltschmerz weltschmerzes (6,24)
longest one consonant assessees coccaceae (9,2)
longest two consonant nauseousnesses sensuousnesses (14,2)
longest isogram dermatoglyphics (15,1)
longest pair isogram scintillescent (14,1)
longest trio isogram deeded (6,1)
longest tetrad isogram kukukuku (8,1)
longest polygram unprosperousnesses (18,0) ?
longest pyramid chachalaca deadheaded disseisees evennesses keennesses kinnikinic rememberer sassanians sereneness sleeveless susurruses (10,11)
most repeated letters dihydroxycholecalciferol hydroxydesoxycorticosterone hysterosalpingographies methyldihydromorphinone microspectrophotometrically octamethylpyrophosphoramide phosphatidylethanolamine pseudohermaphroditism tetrabromophenolphthalein tetraiodophenolphthalein trinitrophenylmethylni
tramine (9,11)
highest containing a repeated palaeacanthocephala tathagatagarbha tathagatagarbhas (6,3)
highest containing b repeated bubbybush flibbertigibbet flibbertigibbets flibbertigibbety (4,4)
highest containing c repeated chroococcaceae chroococcaceous circumcrescence circumcrescences echinococcic micrococcaceae (5,6)
highest containing d repeated condiddled dadded deadheaded dendrodendritic diddered diddled diddledees didodecahedron disbudded dodded doddered doddled driddled dunderheaded dunderheadedness dunderheadednesses dyakisdodecahedral dyakisdodecahedron dyakisdodecahedrons fiddledeedee fiddleheaded grand
daddy lepidodendrid lepidodendrids lepidodendroid muddleheaded muddleheadedness muddleheadednesses muddyheaded puddingheaded skedaddled woodshedded (4,32)
highest containing e repeated ethylenediaminetetraacetate (7,1)
highest containing f repeated chiffchaff chiffchaffs giffgaff giffgaffed giffgaffing giffgaffs riffraff (4,7)
highest containing g repeated aggregating aggreging chugalugging gagging gaggling ganggang ganggangs gigging giggling gigglingly glugging goggling grigging grogging guggling lallygagging lollygagging zigzagging (4,18)
highest containing h repeated ichthyophthiriasis ichthyophthirius ichthyophthiriuses rhamphorhynchid rhamphorhynchids rhamphorhynchoid rhamphorhynchus (4,7)
highest containing i repeated dirigibilities discriminabilities distinguishabilities divisibilities ignitibilities indiscernibilities indiscerptibilities indistinguishability indivisibility infinitesimalities intelligibilities invincibilities (6,12)
highest containing j repeated ajonjoli ajonjolis avijja avijjas djokjakarta gastrojejunal gastrojejunostomy hajj hajjes hajji hajjis jajman jajmani jajmans jajoba jejuna jejunal jejune jejunely jejuneness jejunenesses jejunities jejunity jejunostomies jejunostomy jejunum jeremejevite jeremejevites
jimberjawed jimjams jinglejangle jinglejangles jinjili jinjilis jipijapa jipijapas jirajara jirajaras jiujitsu jiujitsus jiujutsu jiujutsus jogjakarta jojoba jujitsu jujitsus juju jujube jujubes jujus jujut
highest containing k repeated kakkak kakkaks knickknack knickknackatories knickknackatory knickknackeries knickknackery knickknacky kukukuku kukukukus (4,10)
highest containing l repeated allochlorophyll allochlorophylls alloplastically intellectualistically lillypillies lillypilly polysyllabically (5,7)
highest containing m repeated dynamometamorphism hamamelidanthemum immunocompromised mammatocumulus mammectomies mammectomy mammiform mammilliform mammogram mammonism mammonisms mesembryanthemum mesembryanthemums meshummadim mohammedanism mohammedanisms muhammadanism muhammadanisms mummiform tetram
ethylammonium thermometamorphism zamzummim zamzummims (4,23)
highest containing n repeated inconvenientness inconvenientnesses nannoplankton nannoplanktonic nondenominational nondenominationalism nonentanglement nonintervention noninterventionist syngenesiotransplantation unconvincingness unconvincingnesses (5,12)
highest containing o repeated monogonoporous pseudomonocotyledonous (6,2)
highest containing p repeated aplopappus haplopappus hyperleptoprosopic hyperleptoprosopy snippersnapper whippersnapper (4,6)
highest containing q repeated qaraqalpaq qaraqalpaqs (3,2)
highest containing r repeated ferriprotoporphyrin ferroprotoporphyrin (5,2)
highest containing s repeated possessionlessnesses (9,1)
highest containing t repeated ethylenediaminetetraacetate tetrasubstituted throttlebottom totipotentiality yttrotantalite (5,5)
highest containing u repeated humuhumunukunukuapuaa humuhumunukunukuapuaas (9,2)
highest containing v repeated overconservative ovoviviparity ovoviviparous ovoviviparously ovoviviparousness vulvovaginitis (3,6)
highest containing w repeated bowwow bowwows powwow powwowed powwowing powwows swallowwort whillywhaw whillywhaws whitlowwort williwaw williwaws willowware willowweed willowworm willywaw willywaws (3,17)
highest containing x repeated dextropropoxyphene executrix executrixes exlex exlexes exonarthex exotoxic exotoxin hexachlorocyclohexane hexahydroxy hexaxon hexoxide hydroxydeoxycorticosterone hydroxydesoxycorticosterone maxixe maxixes myxoxanthin oxyhexactine oxyhexaster paxwax paxwaxes paxywaxies
paxywaxy saxifrax saxifraxes saxitoxin sextuplex xanthotoxin xanthoxenite xanthoxenites xanthoxylaceae xanthoxyletin xanthoxyletins xanthoxylin xanthoxylins xanthoxylum xanthoxylums (2,37)
highest containing y repeated acetylphenylhydrazine acetylphenylhydrazines anhydrohydroxyprogesterone anhydrohydroxyprogesterones brachydactyly chylophylly cryptozygy cystopyelography cytophysiologically cytophysiology dacryocystorhinostomy dactylosymphysis dihydroxyphenylalanine dyssynergy glycoly
tically gypsyfy gypsyfying hydrodynamically hydronymy hydroxydeoxycorticosterone hydroxydesoxycorticosterone hydroxyethyl hydroxyethylation hydroxyethylations hydroxylysine hydroxymethyl hydroxymethylation
highest containing z repeated pizzazz pizzazzes razzmatazz razzmatazzes (4,4)
most different letters blepharoconjunctivitis pseudolamellibranchiata pseudolamellibranchiate psychogalvanometric (16,4)
highest ratio length/letters kukukuku (400,1)
highest ratio length/letters (no tautonyms) senselessnesses (375,1)
lowest length 16 ratio length/letters ventriculography (106,1)
lowest length 17 ratio length/letters entwicklungsroman hydrobasaluminite pterygomandibular (113,3)
lowest length 18 ratio length/letters carboxyhemoglobins entwicklungsromane hyperglobulinemias psychogalvanometer ventriculographies (120,5)
lowest length 19 ratio length/letters psychogalvanometric (118,1)
lowest length 20 ratio length/letters brachycephalizations dimethyltubocurarine encephalomyocarditis magnetofluiddynamics moschellandsbergites (133,5)
lowest length 21 ratio length/letters diphenylthiocarbazone pseudolamellibranchia sphygmomanometrically (140,3)
lowest length 22 ratio length/letters blepharoconjunctivitis (137,1)
lowest length 23 ratio length/letters pseudolamellibranchiata pseudolamellibranchiate (143,2)
lowest length 24 ratio length/letters diphenylaminechlorarsine laryngotracheobronchitis meningoencephalomyelitis (171,3)
lowest length 25 ratio length/letters spectroheliokinematograph (166,1)
Letter Appearance
longest narrow letters (ACEMNORSUVWXZ) erroneousnesses verrucosenesses (15,2)
longest tall letters (BDFGHIJKLPQTY) lighttight lillypilly (10,2)
longest vertical-symmetry letters (AHIMOTUVWXY) homotaxia thymomata (9,2)
longest horizontal-symmetry letters (BCDEHIKOX) checkbook checkhook chookchie (9,3)
highest ratio of dotted letters (IJ) jinjili (71,1)
longest top row proprietory proterotype rupturewort (11,3)
longest middle row shakalshas (10,1)
longest in order wettish (7,1)
longest in reverse order bourree chapote chappie chappow gouttee (7,5)
longest left hand tesseradecades (14,0) ?
longest right hand hypolimnion kinnikinnik (11,2)
longest alternating hands leucocytozoans (14,1)
longest one finger deeded humhum hummum muhuhu muumuu (6,5)
longest adjacent keys assessees redresser redresses seeresses sweeswees (9,5)
longest formed with chemical symbols nonrepresentationalism (22,1)
longest formed with US postal codes convallarias (12,1)
longest formed with compass points newnesses sweeswees (9,2)
longest formed with piano notes cabbaged fabaceae fagaceae (8,3)
Letter Order
longest letters in order aegilops (8,1)
longest letters in order with repeats aegilops (8,1)
longest letters in reverse order sponged wronged (7,2)
longest letters in reverse order with repeats trollied (8,1)
longest roller-coaster decriminalizations provincializations (18,2)
longest no letters in place trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (29,1)
most letters in place abudefduf agammaglobulinemias archencephalon archetypical archetypically syngenesiotransplantation (5,6)
most letters in place shifted cooperatively daughterlinesses definitivenesses gymnoplast gymnoplasts inoperative inoperativeness inopportunely intraoperatively neighborlinesses operatively postoperatively preoperatively undefendablenesses unoperative unspiritually (6,16)
most consecutive letters in order consecutively bierstube bierstuben bierstubes gymnopaedia gymnopaedias gymnopaedic gymnopedia gymnopedias gymnophiona gymnoplast gymnoplasts klavierstuck limnopithecus limnoplankton limnoplanktonic overstudy overstuff overstuffed semnopithecus semnopitheque semnopi
theques thamnophile thamnophiles thamnophiline thamnophilus thamnophis understudy (4,27)
most consecutive letters in order aborticide aborticides abscinded absconded abscondence abscondences alimentotherapy aluminographies aluminography aluminotype aluminotypes ambuscade ambuscaded ambuscades helminthosporia helminthosporin helminthosporins helminthosporium helminthosporiums helminthos
poroid laminograph laminographic laminographies laminography laminosioptes limnograph limnopithecus limnoplankton limnoplanktonic luminophor luminophors luminoscope opaquers reconstructive reconstructively
most consecutive letters appropinquates appropinquations appropinquities equiponderates equiponderations perquisition perquisitions preconquest propinquities quadruplications sesquiterpenoid sesquiterpenoids (8,12)
highest ratio of consecutive letters to length klompen (85,1)